Legal notice

Information according to Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG)

Wailandtstraße 6
Gewerbegebiet Nilkheim-West
63741 Aschaffenburg

Phone      +49 6021 3588-0

Managing Directors

Alexander Kobras
Register Court Aschaffenburg
HRB 1709 
VAT ID no. E132105495

WEBER GmbH Darmstadt
Berliner Allee 49
64295 Darmstadt
Phone    +49 6151 78589-0

WEBER GmbH Stuttgart
Dieselstraße 5
70839 Stuttgart-Gerlingen 
Phone   +49 6021 35 88 360

WEBER GmbH Regensburg
Maxhüttenstraße 11
93055 Regensburg
Phone   +49 1515 1100185

Responsible for the content and editing of the website

(according to Art. 18 German State Media Treaty (MStV) and Art. 18 Para. 2 MStV / Section 5 TMG)

We have appointed a data protection officer for our company

Data protection officer WEBER GmbH
+49 6021 3588-0


Liability for content

The content of this website was created with the greatest possible care. However, we cannot guarantee the completeness of the content provided, its up-to-dateness or accuracy. According to Sections 8–10 TMG, we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor third-party information that has been transmitted or stored, or to search for indications and circumstances that indicate the illegality of activities and information.

An obligation on our part to block the use of content within the framework of general laws remains unaffected by this. This liability, however, only comes into question at the moment when we become aware of a concrete violation of rights. Should we become aware of any violations of rights, the corresponding content must be removed by us immediately.

As a service provider, our liability for our own content is based on general laws.

Liability for links

This website contains links to third-party websites – hereinafter referred to as external links. The content of these external links is beyond our control; therefore, we do not assume any liability for such content. The responsibility always lies with the respective operator of the external sites. No violations of the law were apparent at the time the external links were established. It is not reasonable for us to permanently monitor external content for legal violations without concrete evidence.

Should we become aware of any violations of the law, we will remove the corresponding external links immediately.

Copyright/ancillary copyright

German copyright and performance protection law applies to the content published by the provider on this site. Insofar as the copying, editing, distribution or any other type of utilisation lies outside of German copyright and performance protection law, the written consent of the respective creator is required. Unauthorised copying or downloading of these pages is permitted exclusively for private use, but not for commercial use. Unless we as the operator also act as the creator of the content, the copyrights of third parties are respected. We always endeavour to mark such content as third-party content. In the event that you notice a copyright infringement despite careful work on our part, we ask you to inform us accordingly so that the removal of this content can be arranged immediately.

Image source reference

In addition to our own images, we use images from Adobe Stock and Pixabay on this website. We would like to thank the photographers.