Software development

Development of universal systems.

WEBER is your experienced partner for all matters from software development up to software testing. Our highly qualified in-house development team will support you in planning and implementing your ideas – in our state-of-the-art engineering offices or at your site.

Our services at a glance
  • Requirements & change management
  • Preparation of specifications & functional specifications
  • Software & hardware design, development
  • Software & hardware qualification/testing
  • CAN/LIN driver development
  • Software development for test systems
  • Real-time & microcontroller programming
    • Basic software
    • Application software
    • Diagnostic software
    • Environments 


  • DBC creation & maintenance
  • Diagnostics (CDD/ODX) creation and maintenance
  • Communication conversion to CANopen
  • CAN-Bus Analysis


  • LDF creation and maintenance
  • LIN bus analysis

Programming in:

  • C, C++, Python, CAPL, GNU Make
  • Software development for a diagnostic application

     Diagnostic software
    Project description

    In order to test new product series, an existing tool for the CAN diagnosis of instrument clusters was to be adapted and further developed for specific projects.

    During the analysis and later implementation stage, these changes repeatedly pushed us to the limits of the existing system, prompting us to redesign the diagnostic application.

    Thanks to the redesign and the clearer view that is now provided, product-specific changes can now be incorporated and updated more easily. We have also made the structure much more modular. This means that future adjustments arising from new product series will also be able to be taken into account.

    More project details PDF (1MB)

  • Embedded software development

     Embedded software development
    Project description

    A customer commissioned us to develop embedded software for various modules of control units in industrial trucks. The main issue here was the driving and lifting module – the heart of an industrial truck – as the complete input/output processing had to be controlled. In one module, access authorisation via PIN code input had to be implemented that would activate the vehicle via CAN bus activation. In addition, we needed to program a boot block that would monitor the controlled start-up and initialisation of the microcontroller. A further task related to flashing via CAN bus and the provision of corresponding CAN-KWP services. Finally, we took care of the general development of the application and software testing for various prototypes.

    Following the requirements and change management phases, we went on to create the specifications. We developed the software and hardware design, then qualified and tested it. This was followed by the development of the CAN/LIN drivers and real-time and microcontroller programming with basic and application software.

    More project details PDF (177KB)

  • Tools used

    • CAN, LIN, MOST (Vector CANoe)
    • LabVIEW
    • Visio
    • DOORS, MKS
    • PC (Windows), word processing and spreadsheet program
    • MKS for software management (task creation/code management)
    • Tasking as C compiler
    • Universal Debug Engine (UDE) as debugger
    • CANalyzer (with CAPL scripts) for communication with forklift truck CAN bus
    • MATLAB/Simulink with Stateflow and Targetlink for automatic C code generation
    • SQL databases
    • Microcontroller: XC2000 family and TriCore processors from Infineon